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Search results for query #crm

About the OneBox work model, partners and implementation
Dear users! This article is primarily for you. In it, I will tell you how the business model and structure of OneBox is arranged. This information ...
3 answer
05.01.2023, 11:40
The transition to the stage dependent on the status of new mail does not work
Good day Unfortunately, the automation responsible for changing the stage depending on the status of the new mail parcel does not work. More precis...
Not receiving orders from WordPress
https://gadgetopt.crm-onebox.com/ - Wordpress orders are not coming. Can you tell me what's up with the crown? What is the problem and what needs t...
2 answer
04.12.2022, 11:20
Privat24 payments stopped coming up
Good afternoon. Payments from Privat 24 are no longer added to the list of actual payments. Also, the actual balance on the card does not correspon...
0 replies
22.11.2022, 18:23
OneBox OS:Clinic+ system CRM-ERP configuration for medical centers and clinics
The Astelit Group company offers the implementation of the CRM-ERP configuration of the OneBox OS:Clinic+ system for medical centers and clinics Th...
0 replies
22.11.2022, 18:15
OneBox OS:Clinic+ CRM-ERP system configuration for dental clinics and offices
The Astelit Group company offers the implementation of the CRM-ERP configuration of the OneBox OS:Clinic+ system for dental clinics and offices The...
0 replies
22.11.2022, 18:11
OneBox OS: Logistics CRM-ERP system configuration for logistics and transport companies
The Astelit Group company offers the implementation of the CRM-ERP configuration of the OneBox OS: Logistics system for logistics and transport com...
0 replies
22.11.2022, 18:03
CRM for construction and renovation
CRM for construction and renovation The Astelit Group company offers the implementation of the CRM-ERP configuration of the OneBox OS:Construction ...
0 replies
22.11.2022, 18:00
CRM-ERP configuration of the OneBox OS:HR system for recruiting companies and HR departments
The Astelit Group company offers the implementation of the CRM-ERP configuration of the OneBox OS:HR system for recruiting companies and HR departm...
0 replies
22.11.2022, 17:54
Configuration of CRM-ERP system of OneBox OS:Internet-shop for online stores
The Astelit Group company offers the implementation of the CRM-ERP configuration of the OneBox OS:Internet-shop system for online stores. The syste...

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