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Search results for query #доработка

7 replies
Інтегратор OneBox
Personal license
05.02.2023, 16:14
Rate revision
Good afternoon Please evaluate the revision: 1. The ability to set "Reserve before" for a product where there is a product passport, but it does no...
API development
Please rate the update: We need to add the "discount_percent" field to the products array productArray So that it would be possible to transfer th...
3 answer
12.01.2023, 12:18
Refinement on unloading residues
Good afternoon, we ordered a revision to upload values to our price list, upload prices and stock availability (the action is to send the price lis...
8 replies
09.01.2023, 14:25
Improve the action "Record who is the payer in the created TTN in an additional field of the process"
It is necessary to evaluate the action for the stage: "Write down who the payer is in the created TTN in an additional field of the process" - sett...
3 answer
27.12.2022, 17:31
Needs improvement Open favorites not on hover, but on click
Make an option to open favorites on click rather than on hover. It is very inconvenient to work when, after clicking on the tab, you lower the curs...
6 replies
Project Manager
14.12.2022, 16:36
Bug fix for Onebox CRM boxed old version
Good afternoon! Urgently! We are looking for performers to support and fix common mistakes related to process optimization, bilingualism, cron work...
4 answer
Personal license
09.12.2022, 10:19
Evaluate Form Refinement
1. You need to add a field with country code substitution 2. The field mask should change depending on the user's ip-address. If it is determ...
12 replies
16.11.2022, 14:35
Evaluate revision: search for serials by process products by barcode
Greetings, dear developers! In general, such an interesting refinement is required: Suppose there is a product with a serial number in the warehous...
6 replies
14.11.2022, 12:01
Evaluate improvement. Universal client block. Make the field edit icon always show up, not just when you hover over it.
Evaluate improvement. Universal client block. Make the field edit icon always show up, not just when you hover over it. Or option #2. Make it possi...
2 answer
Personal license
10.11.2022, 13:29
Improvement needed
Please evaluate the finalization of the forms, at the moment the required field in the form is highlighted and the text is displayed only in the la...

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