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Search results for query #автоматизация

4 answer
30.03.2021, 15:14
Automation when creating a contact card works when saving a contact card
Hello. Faced the following bug: for some reason, automating actions when CREATING a contact card works like automating actions when SAVE in a conta...
action not working
Specified an action when a condition is met so that the specified value is written to a specific field at the start stage of the business process. ...
13 replies
24.03.2021, 18:30
Action bug
The order runs between the stages "Vehicle In Progress, Waiting From Supplier" and "Vehicle In Progress, Delivered From Supplier&quo...
1 answer
24.03.2021, 12:27
Bug: Product name by formula
We have set up the formula by which the name is created in automation for products. If the Brand cell is left blank, [brandname] is inserted instea...
Privat24 Autoclient not working
One of the two Privat24 Autoclient automations stopped working. They have the same API, and the rest of the settings, just different accounts. Auto...
13 replies
17.03.2021, 18:08
Transition to stage behaves inappropriately
When moving from the "order to the supplier" stage to "all in stock", there are actions not related to the client's obligat...
4 answer
CEO, owwa.com.ua
17.03.2021, 12:49
Urgent, we can't work, a bug, they stopped working out automatic actions
The automatic action once a minute "Generate business processes for clients of a contact group" was configured to work correctly until 00...
3 answer
Action didn't work: "Prohibit navigation depending on fields and payment method"
In BP "Order Retail" there is a bus. action https://prnt.sc/10jrxgr which should prohibit the transition to the stage if the payment meth...
9 replies
12.03.2021, 13:57
Doesn't work automatically
We have a stage in the BP Customer order on which there is an action "Transfer to this stage if the new mail stage has changed. This action st...
11 replies
OneBox Corp - Інтегратор
Personal license
08.03.2021, 11:55
When adding an entry to the directory - it is duplicated
Here https://sint-master.com.ua/admin/shop/workflowstatus/139/action/new/ Adding to the directory is configured If you uncheck https://prnt.sc/10dl...

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