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Search results for query #доработка

needed Dorobka in "bulk change of goods" photo1 є "Content management" 1. Check the box here Filter split values by sign (wri...
2 answer
01.08.2022, 10:43
Is it possible to mass transfer passports from one box to another?
I have 2 boxes, the nomenclature is the same (similar to the article) And you need to transfer all passports from one box to the second (about 350 ...
5 replies
29.07.2022, 20:11
Required additional cost Automatically once a year Universal product import (xml/json)
Required additional cost Automatically once a year Universal product import (xml/json) є choose brands yakі inappropriately upload but you need to...
2 answer
29.07.2022, 11:22
Rozrobka, nalashtuvannya zvіtіv
Good afternoon. We are looking for a specialist for distribution and making calls. Need the description of the file: https://docs.google.com/spread...
8 replies
27.07.2022, 11:32
Refinement: several account fields for companies
Guys, I need your help and perhaps refinement. The situation is as follows: now if the Contact has the "Company" type, then in the interf...
1 answer
26.07.2022, 14:02
Evaluate the refinement of product bar code creation on the basis of addn. process product fields
In my order, each product will have an additional field in the format of a number or a line (it doesn't matter) where I will write 11 or 13 cha...
3 answer
25.07.2022, 12:11
In the calendar, show the process by request from the loan depositor
Good afternoon. In the process, adjust in the calendar, open the process as requested. At the same time, the process is being worked out in the sa...
1 answer
21.07.2022, 10:44
Integration refinement
It is necessary to make integration with the platform https://www.ecwid.com/ Client site https://harborstore.com.ua/ API documentation https://api-...
6 replies
ФОП Легеза В.В.
Personal license
21.07.2022, 10:05
Evaluate the workflow Copy process fields
At the same time, it is not possible to select a customization from a diї, so that you can copy the value from the field to the process: Descriptio...
8 replies
CEO, owwa.com.ua
20.07.2022, 11:45
Dorobka to the block
Good day, we got stuck with the problem that all managers search the goods in bulk on our site, and then add them to the process at the box. The re...

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