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Search results for query #os

9 replies
22.10.2021, 17:42
OS - Block Subprocesses
In the block of subprocesses, the arrow does not work when minimized.
5 replies
22.10.2021, 17:39
OS - Subprocess Block (again)
We fought so much to make this block look normal and it was convenient to work with it, but here again there are problems. - there is no way to rem...
7 replies
22.10.2021, 12:52
OS - Enhancement - Desktop
Due to the fact that there is no grouping by applications, the convenience and speed of work suffer. We suggest considering adding TABs to the desk...
1 answer
21.10.2021, 08:12
OS - Block of subprocesses - List of products
Please add the ability to disable the list of products for subprocesses.
2 answer
20.10.2021, 15:08
OS - Generate Documents
Add for the "Generate Documents" block the ability to select which documents can be created. So that at certain stages it was possible to...
2 answer
20.10.2021, 12:51
Os - Bug - Doesn't open search fields
Can't open app settings.
5 replies
20.10.2021, 11:41
OS - Product Table
We propose instead of the inscription "Supplier settings" to make a suitable icon to facilitate the interface.
6 replies
20.10.2021, 10:27
OS - Questions - Clear box/Tariff reduction
Need help with a few questions: 1. We make sure that the files that are used in our box do not take up 25 GB of space. And although we have automat...
4 answer
Personal license
15.10.2021, 16:35
OS: Unable to export contacts
box allar.crm-onebox.com installed the app "import-export of contacts" I select contacts and try to transfer them to this app - nothing i...
4 answer
14.10.2021, 17:21
OS - Bug? - Actions
When you go to the action settings - opens another stage. Can this be fixed?

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