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Application "Access Rights"

Access Rights - Allows you to control employee access to information in your OneBox.

You can create groups of rights for each department or role, and then configure individual rights for each created group.

In order to create a new group of access rights, you must:

1. Install and then go to the Access Rights app:

2. Click “Add Group”:

3. Enter the name of the group and click “Add group”:

After the access rights group has been created, you must specify the users to whom this group should be assigned, for this:

1. Click “Configure” and select “Manage Users”:

2. In the window that appears, select employees for this group of access rights and save the settings (an employee can have only one group of access rights):

Now you need to configure access for the selected group. Employees will have access only to those sections of the system to which the access rights group of this employee has access.

To configure access rights for an access rights group, you must:

1. In the list of access rights groups, select the "Configure access rights" item next to the group for which you want to configure rights:

2. Find the application you want to share and click “Allow Access”:

3. Open the fine-tuning of the selected application:

4. In each of the available items, open the necessary access for this group:

5. If necessary, add rights to controls (for example, to add a process):

6. After access to this application is configured, click the "Save" button and proceed to configure access to the following application:

To delete a group of access rights, or to rename, follow these steps:

1. Go to the "Permissions" application:

2. Opposite the required access rights group, click “Configure” and select “Rename access rights group” or “Delete group”:

3. When renaming the group, specify a new name and click the “Save” button: