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Configure background automation

In addition to the automation actions that are performed at the stages of the business process, there is also background automation. These are automatic actions that are triggered at specified periods of time and these actions can be performed independently of your business processes.

To configure these actions you need to:

Open the Automation app:

This section has 3 subsections. Each of which is responsible for the actions of which frequency of operation can be configured. For example, select “Automatic actions every hour”:

Click “+” to add a new action:

Select the action you need and click the "Add" button:

Configure the added action. For example:

As a result of configuring this action, the system will once an hour (since this is the subsection “Automatic actions once an hour”) add all customers who have had from 3 to 10 processes in the BP “Sales order” and the status “New order” to the group “ Regular clients ”.