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Configure the order filters to fit your needs

When you open the list of orders, they are displayed as a table with a list of columns and values:

You can customize the list of columns and their order to your needs as described below:

Choose the "Columns of the table with orders/tasks..." option

Check the boxes next to the columns, you want to display, in the appeared window:

You can change the display order for the columns by moving the cells positions. Specify the number of orders you want to be displayed per page:

Save the settings:

Now you have the customized list of orders.

When you open the list of orders, you can filter them to display only the needed ones from the overall list.

The filtering pane is adjustable and here are the steps to use to configure it:

Select the "Filtering panel" option:

You'll see the list of filters, which are currently applied to the list of orders:

Delete the irrelevant filters:

Create the new filters:

Save the settings:

Now you have the filtering pane configured and only the chosen filters will be applied to it.