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Search results for query #автоматизация

10 replies
When deleting products, the images are also deleted?
In automation there is such an item: Remove products from Opencart that are removed from OneBox When deleting these products on the site from openc...
2 answer
29.10.2022, 01:40
Refinement: automation by warehouses in the Designer of directories
Good afternoon! Please evaluate the improvement, namely: add the ability to create automation for Warehouses.
2 answer
25.10.2022, 13:03
It is necessary to refine the search for a product and pre-clean the process from products
Here https://univer.1b.app/app/automatization/minute/edit/#done There is an action "Integration of XML processes (Import)". 1. You need t...
1 answer
no action once a day
no action Clear deleted product data in box https://wisp.1b.app/
5 replies
Personal license
23.10.2022, 19:13
The automatic action does not work, will turn the Instagram Direct message into a process
I made the settings from the video, messages enter the system https://senseeducation.1b.app/app/instagram-direct/, turn into chat https://senseeduc...
System failure
Good afternoon. Today we found that we have all the actions in the configured processes turned off. This is fine? https://sobr.crm-onebox.com/admin...
Product images are not loaded with "Universal xml product import"
Good afternoon. Previously, "Universal import of xml products" was configured. I am uploading a file from an external source. Image, desc...
4 answer
29.08.2022, 12:18
Automatic creation of tasks by day of the week
It's a strange question, but I can't find it =)) The author himself can't find his own automation))) Which action to automatically crea...
Create an action
Tell me how to find the action to set on a stage to do the following: The manager fills in the field (Date); 5 days before the value of the "d...
Automatic tasks
Tell me how to make a cyclic task for a specific stage of the business process? For example, at the stage you need to create a task - a reminder to...

If you can't find a suitable theme - Submit your question.