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Search results for query #автоматизация

2 answer
27.06.2023, 17:23
You need to configure the automation of updating the price list of the supplier
You need to set up the automation of updating the supplier's price list with a specific XML link. https://kupola.kiev.ua/index.php?route=extension/...
2 answer
08.06.2023, 14:21
savteam.1b.app not working
Hello! Please check the box - savteam.1b.app. Stopped answering.
2 answer
01.06.2023, 19:18
Adding a Standard Field to an Action
Good afternoon. Noticed that in automation for products. Action "Calculate the value using the formula and write to the specified field&qu...
12 replies
23.05.2023, 15:01
How to populate a field depending on another?
How to make it so that, depending on the field "Legal entity (order.order_contractorid)" which is already filled in, an additional field is filled ...
4 answer
01.05.2023, 14:30
Category not linked to payment
Here is the payment https://brightbox.1b.app/app/payments/203/control/ Here are the actions https://brightbox.1b.app/app/automatization/hour/edit/ ...
4 answer
19.04.2023, 08:56
"Integrate XML Products (Export)" action does not work
Good afternoon I ask you to check - the "Integration of XML Products (Export)" automation action does not work, the data in XML is not updated. Tha...
2 answer
14.04.2023, 14:01
The "Integrate XML Products (Export)" action does not work and there is a problem with the API
Good afternoon Boxing - azing.1b.app and savteam.1b.app The "Integrate XML Products (Export)" action in automation does not work, the data in the X...
3 answer
03.04.2023, 19:35
Ceased to write the value 0 in the add. field
At the stage "Accept payment via Terminal", the action "Write value in additional field" is set, in which the variable {|$ordersumpaid|} is written...
"500 internal server error"
Good day! Only the dashboard works, when switching from the dashboard it gives the error "500 internal server error" http://box.agrodar.com.ua/admi...
5 replies
30.03.2023, 08:45
Boxing is not working
Good afternoon, Onebox stopped working tonight. Error 500. Please help

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