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Search results for query #автоматизация

1 answer
29.06.2021, 11:10
Update to the theme "Refining an Automation Action"
Good afternoon! More than a week has passed since the payment for the last revision (topic - https://crm-onebox.com/ru/support/suppliers-and-prices...
the action "Find a sub-process with a given business process and stage and change its business process and stage" does not work verificat...
cron not working
good afternoon. One of the crons has not been working for a day crm.sportmarket.ua
6 replies
CEO, owwa.com.ua
25.06.2021, 11:14
Refinement of the action Update minimum stocks in warehouses depending on sales
Good afternoon, tell me how long it will take to finalize the automation "Update minimum stocks in warehouses depending on sales", namely...
2 answer
Sort business processes by latest event
Tell me how to make business processes for example, leads display type List sorted by the date of the last Call, Comment, Transition to the stage T...
1 answer
24.06.2021, 11:41
Copy action. process product fields
http://crm.mebelok.com/ There is an action to copy additional. process product fields to another process You can select additional a process field...
Wanbbox pages not loading
The van box pages are not loaded. It's like there's no connection. recorded a video
1 answer
onebox server not working
Please correct https://stimul.crm-onebox.com/
1 answer
18.06.2021, 23:48
automatic closing of the order
The client makes an order over the phone and asks to pay by card. The employee sends the card number to the client. How can I achieve automatic clo...
3 answer
18.06.2021, 23:20
sms template
To facilitate the work of the employee, the integrator created the "send card number" button. Where do you need to go to insert a templat...

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