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Search results for query #dbodyako

2 answer
30.01.2021, 09:37
Type of connection to the OpenCart database
There is an action Import products from Opencart It connects to the opencart database and downloads products from there. There is a question: what ...
3 answer
29.01.2021, 20:02
Rosette changed api
Good evening, the outlet is changing the api and asking us to change it, we changed it, but they say that boxing still refers to the old one Screen...
5 replies
29.01.2021, 18:04
"Filtered" in additional fields of processes and contacts
Looks like something has changed in the system... The "Filtered" setting in the additional fields of processes and contacts has gone some...
1 answer
29.01.2021, 12:31
Call to group API call creation
Call to group API call creation It is necessary to send a call to a group of managers through api. Hence the question: Is it possible to pass sever...
5 replies
AZ filtering works weird
https://rozpakui.crm-onebox.com/admin/report/desiner/3/view/ in such a report I filter indicators without observing A-Z https://prnt.sc/xrkut5 So w...
Onovity box
Good day! Update, be kind, boxing to the MVP version.
3 answer
28.01.2021, 18:09
Rozetka API change. Problem
Hello. I read earlier that you made changes to the address of the api server. But today they called from the outlet and said that our system still ...
2 answer
28.01.2021, 17:40
Problem: attention, the system reserved all goods in the warehouse for write-off, without processes.
Example on one product: https://b2bhub.crm-onebox.com/admin/shop/products/12870/storage/ for some reason, the system took free goods on the balance...
1 answer
28.01.2021, 17:09
Automatic transfer of goods between categories
When importing into BOX, the rich postal workers copy their structure to the catalog of goods, we have our own authority, as we have improved the a...
5 replies
28.01.2021, 16:33
Automatic actions once an hour, displayed in automatic actions once a minute
Good afternoon, tell me why the bulk of the automatic actions once an hour were duplicated into automatic actions once a minute? As you can see in ...

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