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Search results for query #dbodyako

22 answer
26.01.2021, 12:52
Sorting behind the additional field
Good day Is it possible to sort for additional fields in finance? (actual payments) /admin/shop/finance/ Yakshcho nі - skilki doopratsyuvannya
4 answer
26.01.2021, 12:25
Action to submit a request
https://rozpakui.crm-onebox.com We work with orders when we move to the stage https://rozpakui.crm-onebox.com/admin/shop/workflowstatus/102/action/...
1 answer
26.01.2021, 12:15
operations and operands in OneBox
Good afternoon. How to implement logical operations if-then, case and other painful operations with the choice of their operands (there may be even...
2 answer
Oneboxconsulting (интегратор)
26.01.2021, 12:15
correct deletion of text enclosed in double quotes in the fields of the "Legal details" block of the contact
got an error today - when editing the value of the fields, the text enclosed in double quotes is deleted. The error appears in the fields of the &q...
1 answer
How many hours does it take to integrate with Qlik
Good afternoon. You can calculate how many hours you need to set up integration with the Qlik program https://www.qlik.com/us/
20 replies
ФОП Легеза В.В.
Personal license
26.01.2021, 11:33
Return access to the choice of actions
Looks like there's been a change in OneBox And these changes have complicated access to the action settings: - at the stages of business proces...
1 answer
26.01.2021, 10:29
Contact phone number hidden
For employees, the contact phone number is hidden. How to open it? In the attachment, how the phone is displayed
4 answer
Inconvenient field sizes in interface settings
Please return the size of the fields (see screenshot) as it was before. For now it is not convenient to use this functionality, to put it mildly. h...
11 replies
26.01.2021, 09:28
Remaining reserve time and stage expiration time in the interface
Good morning, tell me how to display the remaining time of the product reserve and the remaining time of the stage in the interface?
Question about the work of the P&L report
Where does the amount for the Item revenue field on the P&L report come from? Is it the sum of processes with goods sold? Or is it the sum of a...

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