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Search results for query #оценка доработки

19 replies
02.05.2022, 15:16
Evaluate the additional process Add contacts to the Contacts tab of the process
Good afternoon. https://crm.hlr.ua/ Required evaluation - Add contacts to the Contacts tab of the process. In the process, add a client to the proc...
2 answer
Personal license
02.05.2022, 12:25
Rate the completion of the "Write document" action
the option "to attach the XLS version of the generated document to the subfield of the process with type File" is required in the action ...
6 replies
Receipt of goods via preg template (bar code of warehouse products) - How many hours ?
There is a preg https://box.vals.net.ua/admin/auto/action/minute/edit/ Parsing occurs according to the article And it is necessary that it be poss...
3 answer
Інтегратор OneBox
Personal license
27.04.2022, 12:59
Evaluate revision : remove process products if conditions are met
Hello! Please rate the revision "remove process products if conditions are met" Purpose: not to delete through the "selected" f...
5 replies
26.04.2022, 11:46
Evaluate refinement of product category imports
When importing and creating products, there is a need to simply get the text designation of the product category in the price list (without downloa...
6 replies
25.04.2022, 18:47
Evaluation of the finalization of the report on the structures of the Holding companies
Good afternoon. Need an evaluation. I will describe the general problem, perhaps you will offer another solution. You need to be able to massively ...
19 replies
Інтегратор OneBox
Personal license
25.04.2022, 14:12
Please estimate how many hours of completion: date interval for sampling products in progress
Hello! Please estimate how many hours of revision: 1. Filter in the process of date interval (selection of dates from and to). It is necessary to f...
Rate Chat Improvement
We were once written with technical specifications for setting up a chat https://docs.google.com/document/d/1J4_CfgXHr7BGaHpr3P30Uen1Eb43nVJUwQSgBr...
3 answer
20.04.2022, 13:19
How many hours will it take to finalize the application for the MVP version
How many hours will it take to finalize the application for the MVP version to which the site template based on OneBox is tied applications accordi...
3 answer
12.04.2022, 12:54
Hello, we really need such a refinement for our Mvp box, how much will such an installation cost?

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