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4 answer
19.08.2021, 21:29
Bug. Duplicate task statuses when creating
Task statuses are duplicated when creating an order bp "Customer Order"
5 replies
Notification by mail about the order of goods in the online store (Template23)
Good afternoon. When a buyer orders a product through IM, a notification is sent to the mail - with the only word "Order". Tell me, pleas...
3 answer
Not all order cancellation statuses, according to the API documentation.
https://api-seller.rozetka.com.ua/apidoc/#api-OrderStatuses-GetOrderStatuses The documentation contains cancellation statuses that are not present ...
3 answer
16.08.2021, 14:35
Product filtering, adding an OS order
Interested in a few points regarding adding an item to the cart (when placing a new order) 1. How to make it so that the product would first be iss...
2 answer
КОмпания "Моношоп". Владелец
14.08.2021, 10:49
difference between statuses and the logic of passing through statuses
There is an order /admin/customorder/order/314728/edit/ This order seems to be in two statuses at the same time accordingly, the transition logic ...
3 answer
12.08.2021, 09:44
Form for adding an order
Good afternoon. I found a video on your YouTube about how to set up the form for adding an order. https://youtu.be/tNNdQ76mCPI?t=440 There you can ...
3 answer
11.08.2021, 16:45
OS Order Page
Good afternoon. We updated onebox and noticed that there is no "New order" page as such, when you click on "Create order" - a w...
3 answer
Is it possible to narrow the list of orders
Is it possible to narrow the list of orders by the desired criterion Whatever fields that are not particularly important, were either line breaks ...
2 responsible for the process
It is required to add a 2nd person responsible for the process, how to implement this on the current functionality? If done through an additional f...
1 answer
26.07.2021, 00:13
creation of BP
Congratulations, the BP is not created through the product card. Please correct. thank you

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