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Search results for query #автоматизация

2 answer
10.12.2020, 10:18
Lies kroner
Raise the box https://crm.ohrana.ua/. Thanks
9 replies
10.12.2020, 10:01
PSU not working Retail sale
The Retail power supply does not work, nothing happens during the transition from the starting stage to the next one. When trying to configure any ...
4 answer
10.12.2020, 09:59
Crowns lie after the update
Crowns are https://crm.nspace.com.ua/. Please restore
1 answer
09.12.2020, 12:05
Automatic actions, API updates, etc. do not work
We connected the multilingual module, after the site became available, automation stopped working, price lists are not loaded, updating price lists...
1 answer
07.12.2020, 15:01
Action Priority
Please tell me, what is the priority in the actions of Automation of products? https://prnt.sc/vxhplc That is, what actions does the system conside...
1 answer
06.12.2020, 19:59
Can't find error
There is a product http://ukrpromspec.onebox-system.com/admin/shop/products/5782/history/ . The history shows that I changed his data at 19:40 . I...
3 answer
Automation of salary calculation
Automation "Create a payroll business process based on business processes closed by an employee for the past month" is used. How to set u...
3 answer
05.12.2020, 11:14
Product Automation: Improved
We suggest blocking the "Control value" field when selecting the "Filled value" condition, because it is not active at this tim...
8 replies
04.12.2020, 18:46
It was necessary to change the direction of the customer's order to the outgoing process "Order to the supplier", for this, at one of...
3 answer
04.12.2020, 16:49
Formula bug in automation
I set the formula by which you need to form the name of the product: https://prnt.sc/vvtq8n There is a condition for this formula: https://prnt.sc/...

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