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Search results for query #автоматизация

1 answer
18.07.2021, 22:01
Long website and page loading times
Good afternoon, could you check the site, as it has become very hard to work, it takes a long time to open, loading pages and goods is about 30-40 ...
1 answer
18.07.2021, 17:31
OS: Action (questions)
1. Tell me if there is such an action in the system, because I can't find anything similar. Prevent switching a stage if certain sub-processes ...
0 replies
18.07.2021, 08:25
OS technical support from SHEBO
Hello ) It's us again, Shebo company https://shebo.com.ua/ ) Earlier we talked about ourselves https://crm-onebox.com/ru/support/onebox-officia...
1 answer
16.07.2021, 08:35
OS update. Stopped receiving orders from Opencart
Hello. 15.07 updated Boxing. Stopped minute kroons and stopped receiving orders from Opencart. Please see what is the problem.
1 answer
15.07.2021, 12:07
Action bug Create a process and make it the parent of found processes
Good afternoon. In Automation, the action Create a process and make it a parent for the found processes is configured once a minute, it should crea...
4 answer
How to make automatic unloading of goods
We have a Technostyle supplier, you need to download an XML file for automatic unloading. To have everything automatically, as for other suppliers.
10 replies
08.07.2021, 12:05
Integration with ERC
Earlier there was a question about integration with ERC https://crm-onebox.com/ru/support/suppliers-and-prices/9086-ne-zagruzhaetsya-inf... ...
6 replies
CEO, owwa.com.ua
08.07.2021, 10:20
Automation does not work: A contact was found with which there was no communication for more than N days
Good afternoon, In automatic actions once a minute, the action "A contact was detected with which there was no communication for more than N d...
9 replies
02.07.2021, 10:58
Check for the presence of two words in the field of the additional field of the process (the presence of a space)
Good afternoon. It is necessary to check the Recipient field (additional process field - String) for the presence of two words in it (possibly for ...
10 replies
01.07.2021, 10:06
Not receiving orders from Opencart
Changed the API key and Box IP. All changes on the side of integrations have been made, but orders are not received by Boxing. Cron-minute, cron-ho...

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