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Search results for query #автоматизация

4 answer
30.07.2021, 22:15
Automatic action not working
There is action pic1 http://i.prntscr.com/iGEuKYM5QoOrdgPG1aqnaA.png Here are his settings pic2 http://i.prntscr.com/H_zbL_PKTTC0a0mq2He7qw.png The...
2 answer
28.07.2021, 14:54
Hour/minute automatic actions do not start
Hello! Please restart cron
2 answer
All integrations stopped working
Tell me how to solve the issue All integrations stopped working for me Payments, statements from Privat24 and Mono are not pulled up and orders fro...
2 answer
26.07.2021, 15:04
Not receiving orders from Opencart
Orders are not being received. Please restart cron
1 answer
22.07.2021, 23:57
Action bug Create a process and make it the parent of the found processes in the process step
Good afternoon. Previously created a topic https://crm-onebox.com/ru/support/other/9426-bag-deystviya-sozdat-protsess-i-sde...
4 answer
22.07.2021, 16:59
OS - the "plus" button under the panel to save
Can't add new action in automation
15 replies
21.07.2021, 14:04
Downloading goods from a DC-Link supplier
In OneBox OS, is it planned to add to DC-link automation the ability to select categories of goods that need to be loaded into Box? For example, ho...
15 replies
21.07.2021, 01:23
You need to copy the product filters to the found product
box https://cabinet.b2bframes.com/admin I need to implement the following: 1) If the product meets the conditions of additional fields, then when s...
1 answer
20.07.2021, 13:57
Crowns not working
https://zarulem.crm-onebox.com/dashboard/ From 15.07 the minute, hour and day crowns stopped working. Please run.
3 answer
20.07.2021, 09:11
Change the business process and the status of the current, parent and all subordinate tasks - the process id to switch from the additional field
How to configure the action Change business process and the status of the current, parent and all subordinate tasks to switch the process whose ID ...

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