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Search results for query #dbodyako

1 answer
25.12.2020, 16:37
Stopped pulling orders with prom
I changed the initial status of the process for orders from the prom and the orders stopped being pulled up, I did not change other settings. My ht...
4 answer
25.12.2020, 15:26
failure to send auto messages
https://prnt.sc/w9qv9n auto messages are duplicated and sent 3 times what's happened ?
3 answer
25.12.2020, 15:11
How to add an additional automation addon "PromUA / Export products in XLS format"
Hello! Tell me about automation "PromUA / Export products in XLS format": 1) How to make it possible to insert data from additional field...
4 answer
25.12.2020, 14:53
Customer discount
https://vuuoksa-home.crm-onebox.com/ We have a group "Clients from 7000" (All contacts/Contact groups). It contains the field "Disco...
6 replies
24.12.2020, 22:32
Call for sales
Chi could bullo rozrobiti taku rіch yak 1) Speed of sales (the article is sold for example 1 time per month) 2) On the basis of the "Recommend...
4 answer
24.12.2020, 13:56
Site restoration
Since 2014, the website http://villa-grande.net.ua has started working, which was developed by your company and administered by our employee. Then ...
4 answer
24.12.2020, 13:20
Good afternoon. We want to translate actions from forms on the site into leads in CRM. But we can't find information about leads in the API doc...
13 replies
Baza.cn.ua / Integrator (FOP Kupriyan)
24.12.2020, 12:56
The system regularly changes price levels, why
Here is an example https://baza.cn.ua/admin/shop/products/62999/history/?userid=&systemchange=1...
2 answer
OneBox Corp - Інтегратор
Personal license
24.12.2020, 11:51
Increase server limits
box http://onebox.expressglobalemployment.com/ You need to raise the limits on the server, because the report is not loaded https://prnt.sc/w8e3x4 ...
6 replies
24.12.2020, 10:24
in SendPulse
Hello in the SendPulse integration settings, it is written like this "From which emails to send mail via api" I entered the address norep...

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