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Search results for query #onebox os

1 answer
27.08.2021, 13:26
You need to link the vanbox to the profile for updating to OneBox OS
Vanbox crm.tryalia.com.ua needs to be linked to my profile to upgrade to OneBox OS.
3 answer
26.08.2021, 14:57
OS. No popup on calls
Here is the manager http://crm.osd.ua/app/contact/4306/ the ringostat login baldinelliua_151 is tied to it In the previous version, the pop-up wind...
3 answer
26.08.2021, 14:39
OS. How to hide from the field manager or add. order/contact fields?
How to hide from the field manager or add. order/contact fields in OneBox OS? On the MVP in the access rights there were separate items for this, b...
6 replies
12.08.2021, 10:24
OneBox OS works on mobile devices
The OneBox OS interface has become fully responsive. This makes it equally convenient to use it on a computer (desktop mode), on a tablet or smartp...
3 answer
OneBox Corp - Інтегратор
Personal license
06.08.2021, 16:45
OS - Make custom grid and block layout for process interface
Often there is a problem with the fact that the page layout does not allow you to place elements in a way that looks beautiful and does not take up...
6 replies
Creating an order originally deleted
Is it possible to create orders on OneBox OS and go to the page of the originally deleted order, as it was possible to do on the MVP version?
We need a Skype demonstration of the capabilities of the Updated Box in the question / answer format.
Updated and I can’t figure out how to get it working faster, a lot of misunderstandings
10 replies
BAAs Dev.
20.07.2021, 10:55
Upgrade to OneBox OS (transition process and end understanding)
Good day, I see that the transition to OS has begun since Yesterday from 07/19/2021 But today, in Working Moments, I realized and saw that not ever...
13 replies
17.07.2021, 13:08
OS: Interface glitch - Save button disappeared
Hello! I can't create a client. The "Save" button is not clear where.
6 replies
Good afternoon, after updating to onebox OS, filters and their quantity are not unloaded, and the number of products without filters is also not un...

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