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5 replies
OneBox stopped recalculating availability with suppliers and warehouses
Screen. The supplier has a "available" checkbox. The product has synchronization with availability. But presence is not added. The produc...
1 answer
Setting up OneBox-Opencart availability transfer: warehouse+supplier
How to set up the formation of OneBox-Opencart availability transfer if you need to sum the availability of a warehouse with the availability of a ...
Warehouses and minimum reserve
Good afternoon! Interested in the possibility of a minimum reserve. OneBox : https://kiyservice.1b.app/desktop/ There is such a task: 1. There are ...
0 replies
11.08.2022, 22:33
Expected arrival
Hello! Please tell me if you are interested in information on the expected arrival. To achieve this information on the product is possible only thr...
1 answer
08.08.2022, 08:58
Recalculation - when trying to register - selects the second warehouse
Here is a recalculation for example I choose a warehouse and add a product when I click to go to posting, I get the quantity - everything is corre...
21 answer
04.08.2022, 15:44
Add goods from the selected warehouse in real quantity to the process
Good afternoon. There is a need in the process to add products that are available in the selected warehouse. At the same time, it should be possibl...
7 replies
03.08.2022, 21:50
Products are not displayed during checkout
https://rivcont.info/app/storage/process/incoming/ I am adding product Notification Next, the notification disappears, but the product is still n...
Relocation, reservation
Please tell me, I created the stages of the business process: - STAGE customer confirmed - process "reserve this product in the warehouse &quo...
2 answer
03.08.2022, 12:36
When you move, you win pardons about commissaries
Good afternoon! When moving the goods from the warehouse to the warehouse/sales, vinikaє transferring the goods from the com_rcі. The goods are not...
0 replies
29.07.2022, 14:05
Incorrect purchase price at the warehouse
One purchase price in the process https://crm.mebelok.com/admin/customorder/order/2325288/edit/ How to go to the warehouse, bachimo іnshu And the p...

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