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Search results for query #оценка доработки

3 answer
Personal license
01.07.2022, 16:35
Estimation of the road for the acquisition of prices
Evaluate, be kind, the possibility of automatically populating the field "Text of the presence of the supplier of the product" (or "...
1 answer
Create a multi-select in the form - can we modify it?
There are options in the form settings Is it possible to make this value be of type multilist ? That is, when filling in, it was possible to speci...
6 replies
Personal license
19.05.2022, 18:29
Rate the finish for price recalculation
Hello! Please evaluate the modification so that when recalculating the prices, the largest RRC of the supplier is substituted into the sales price,...
7 replies
11.05.2022, 13:42
Implementation of the message entry in the add. field
https://pr-od.1b.app/desktop/ Is it possible to implement the recording of the last telegram message in the add. process field? For example, an act...
7 replies
Oneboxconsulting (интегратор)
11.05.2022, 12:51
add the "Copy process fields" checkbox
please evaluate the addendum "Copy process fields" as an alternative, also the creation of changes, available for filling through the &qu...
1 answer
11.05.2022, 10:58
Evaluation of the finalization of the report on the structures of companies (including holdings)
Please rate the report https://1b.app/ru/forum/reports-and-analytics/13496-otsenka-dorabotki-otcheta-po... Thanks
1 answer
11.05.2022, 10:55
Evaluate the additional process Add contacts to the Contacts tab of the process
Good afternoon. https://crm.hlr.ua/ Rating needed - Add contacts to the Contacts tab of the process In the process, add a client to the process, i...
Evaluate the completion of the universal import
Here is a setting need the same but to write the value to the article How many hours is this? And do I understand correctly that later, when impor...
2 answer
Evaluate rework for MVP
To display the timeline, you need to evaluate the revision so that it shows applications only for today by default (and not for the whole week) As ...
5 replies
Evaluate refinement of spot sending bulk mail
In the application it is possible to select a group and source but i need 2 settings 1. So that I can simply select any users and companies to who...

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