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Search results for query #оценка доработки

6 replies
Personal license
21.07.2023, 10:07
TOR for finalizing the block of subprocesses
I ask you to determine the possibility and evaluate this TOR for finalizing the block of subprocesses - displaying in this {block of subprocesses }...
6 replies
07.07.2023, 12:13
Refinement score
Hello! In the action "Jump stage by end of stage term" when selecting stages, you need the ability to select the transition to the previous stage, ...
Finalization of automatization of import of warehouse balances in Google spreadsheet
Good afternoon there is this action it unloads data from warehouse everything works well but we need to refine this action is it possible...
8 replies
21.05.2023, 19:07
Improvement needed: display all organizations of one Supplier in the BP in the Payments block
Guys, we need improvement and your help in the issue of Payments and Suppliers. Very often I encounter the same situation when the same Supplier ha...
3 answer
19.04.2023, 20:03
Transfer to opencart categories without description
Here https://sara.1box.link/app/automatization/hour/edit/ It is necessary to add the functionality of transferring categories to opencart without o...
Evaluate the refinement of the report filter
in the report, you can select the New Mail account by BP, but there is no way to select the Multilist - several New Mail accounts together to view ...
2 answer
09.04.2023, 18:06
Tweak: Create actions for Hidden/Show warehouse
I ask you to calculate the development of a new action with which it will be possible to Hide and Show the warehouse.
Evaluate the finalization of New mail, the choice of the city in the first place
When placing an order by a client, the choice of the city of New mail, the name of the city itself is somewhere at the bottom, first shows the area...
4 answer
06.03.2023, 14:51
Improvement: Interface block “Products by list”
Guys, I ask you to calculate the improvements for the “Products in the list” block in the interface, namely: 1) Make it possible to display only o...
7 replies
Інтегратор OneBox
Personal license
28.02.2023, 10:57
Refinement. Cost Report
Good afternoon Please rate the creation of the Product Cost Report. It is necessary to be able to see the purchase cost of goods in a list by date,...

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