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Search results for query #dbodyako

є two ordering processes є automatic delivery
є two processes 1, "order" i 2, "order online". they have the same stage "Delivered" de є automatically "Move th...
product search
Hello. For the interface block of the Search for products process, you need to add the setting: Permanently display the checkbox "Show only go...
2 answer
16.01.2021, 12:24
Displaying a product in a task
In the task http://ukrpromspec.onebox-system.com/admin/customorder/zakaz-v-workote/125514/ed... it says that there are 2 items in the warehouse , ...
Buying one license
Good afternoon. We are now at "Tariff-5" with 5 licenses. In fact, 5 people work for us, but a couple of times a week an evil accountant ...
How to distribute prepayments
How to distribute prepayments The client takes the goods (process) for 100 UAH Pay 200 UAH (Prepayment 100) for the next order, I will pay 400 UAH ...
9 replies
15.01.2021, 12:42
How to generate a unique lineup
http://optmaster.crm-onebox.com There is a system field "Model range" in the product card. We use it to unload varieties on the prom. Wha...
Pardon with prices in the order The discount is superimposed on the customer's discount
Pardon with prices in the order The discount is superimposed on the customer's discount Order https://rovo.org.ua/admin/customorder/type/977151...
1 answer
Integration with f.ua
Good afternoon! Interested in Onebox integration with F.ua and Allo
1 answer
OneBox Corp - Інтегратор
Personal license
15.01.2021, 11:05
Evaluate NP Integration Copy Refinement
You need to make a button in the NP integration "Copy integration" https://prnt.sc/wo4ov8 Copy all fields except the key, default cabinet
9 replies
ФОП Легеза В.В.
Personal license
15.01.2021, 10:53
Setting fields to fill in your personal account
Here is the office page https://mail097480.crm-onebox.com/client/order/101/ now, you have to click through each field to save the selected values: ...

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