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Search results for query #dbodyako

3 answer
21.01.2021, 10:30
Evaluate the revision "Cursor in the field"
We have a process https://vzuto.crm-onebox.com/admin/customorder/order/18749/edit/ It has a field we scan the barcodes ttn-ok there, but we have t...
11 replies
21.01.2021, 09:52
Why does the action "Reserve the contents of the process in the warehouse" not work with the LC?
Hello, I've come across the following issue: When creating an order through the personal account, a BP is created in it there are 3 stages: Hom...
1 answer
20.01.2021, 19:28
Transfer of 2 or more places to the office of Nova Poshta when forming TTN
Good evening! TTN is no longer formed correctly if there are more than 2 places in the product. https://admin.newtrend.team/admin/customorder/order...
9 replies
Incoming price when adding filters is not recalculated in BP
Good afternoon! Filters have been added to the product. The sale price and the input price are registered. When adding a product to the BP with fil...
12 replies
20.01.2021, 16:56
Formation of documents
In the process, two invoices were issued: for the service and for the product. Accordingly, on the basis of the invoice for the service, an Act of ...
2 answer
20.01.2021, 15:58
Unable to login to ed-mi.crm-onebox.com
Good day! The client is not allowed into the system: https://prnt.sc/xal3j6 Although other logins were not given to anyone. Vikinte, be kind, all t...
Integration with Rozetka
Good afternoon. I receive the following information from Rosette: "Good afternoon, dear partner! You are API-integrated with us and still have...
remove unavailable products
hello Is there an action that removes all unavailable products from the process when entering a stage?
Change a process step when there are enough products in stock
Good afternoon is it possible to add a setting in the form of a checkmark "Take into account all products of the process" in the action &...
9 replies
20.01.2021, 15:13
API rosetka
good day Rozetka is changing its API, tell me where and how can I change it in CRM onebox?

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