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Search results for query #товар

6 replies
06.04.2021, 19:06
Export of goods for industrial
Every other year "PromUA / Export of products in XLS format" will need to type in the Russian name of the goods, and the file will be gen...
10 replies
30.03.2021, 17:01
Consultation on the mandatory filling of fields when creating a product in the process
There is an interface setting block for creating a product /admin/selectwindow/interface/ It has the ability to display additional fields Can I ma...
5 replies
23.03.2021, 12:38
How to create a variable product?
How to create a variable product?
9 replies
Тзов Екомора
Personal license
06.03.2021, 10:30
є bp https://ekomora.ua/admin/customorder/postachannya-avto-shini-ta-zapchastini-vlas... when you go to the stage you see a pardon I un...
1 answer
Product analogues
Good afternoon. Help solve the issue. Given: There is a main product for example Test, on the site we create several options for searching Test 1, ...
5 replies
Тзов Екомора
Personal license
19.02.2021, 10:35
Incorrect work of the functional according to the order of the goods entered on the phone
We have a big box that allows you to create and ship goods to the required power supply.https://prnt.sc/100lnof /prnt.sc/100lrg2 but I press contin...
5 replies
18.02.2021, 09:34
Unable to ship item
In the task https://ukrpromspec.onebox-system.com/admin/customorder/zakaz-v-workote/134210/e... it is impossible to ship the goods. Writes out of ...
3 answer
Тзов Екомора
Personal license
17.02.2021, 11:10
Incorrect work of the functionality of the richness
The vinicle problem is after the completion of such a problem; when transferring description via API, the description does not get into the product...
4 answer
Тзов Екомора
Personal license
16.02.2021, 14:48
when editing goods, I often blame 500 pardon video I add
More details https://box.webproduction.ua/admin/customorder/issue/2015729430/edit/
When unloading the goods, there are no Additional fields of the Product
When unloading the goods, there are no Additional fields of the Product https://prnt.sc/yppx3r Silka https://rovo.org.ua/api/product/get/? https://...

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