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Search results for query #bohdan

2 answer
Baza.cn.ua / Integrator (FOP Kupriyan)
30.12.2021, 01:20
In the list in the paid field, showing 0, if the payment is real, and in the process everything is shown
Please fix the bug How to marvel at the axis list like this https://baza.cn.ua/admin/customorder/order/?fromfilterproductcustomnalozhkap48=&...
2 answer
14.12.2021, 11:03
filling in an additional field type date in contact cards
Hello, there is an additional field in the contact card f444 There is an excel file with the contact id columns, and the date that needs to be copi...
Can I sort by products in my personal account?
You need sorting in your personal account by product. Namely, first from the oldest product code, to the newest and the ability to click on the tex...
2 answer
14.11.2021, 15:02
Will there be a sidebar in the OS?
Will there be a sidebar in the OS in principle? if so, in what form?
Not going back passport after decomposition
Here is the challenge https://box.yerocolors.com/8753/ There is a "Fold" procedure, but the passport does not fit back after decompositio...
4 answer
29.10.2021, 10:07
Product search tab not working
Good afternoon test order https://ubp.crm-onebox.com/admin/customorder/wow-yalinka/1278/edit/ I'm trying to enter the name in the "search ...
8 replies
29.10.2021, 09:27
Request to which address and with what parameters to send in order to change the completion date of the package
Request to which address and with what parameters to send in order to change the completion date of the package. Created a new package http://crm.c...
7 replies
21.10.2021, 09:48
Adding Options-characteristics of goods to the Product Card
Tell me how to add, change, generally configure the fields in the section with the parameters (=properties, =options) of the product? Fields that a...
9 replies
20.10.2021, 19:25
Send Pulse telegram bot
Good afternoon! Created a telegram bot based on sendpulse with a series of chat bots of different nature. At the same time, integration with the te...
API Ukpochta
Received a message from the manager of Ukrposhta: At the request that Ukrposhta is creating a server for corporate clients, please give me your sta...

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