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Search results for query #фильтр

2 answer
06.09.2022, 15:20
The process filter by Process Product Brand does not work
The list of brands is loaded in the Process Product Brand field in the filter. This issue only occurs with Group Order processes. This field in the...
3 answer
Insiders - OneBox
Personal license
09.08.2022, 17:49
Filter on multiple fields not working
Here is a test contact https://box.ltec.com.ua/app/contact/13965/?tabid=5 The fields are filled in it: Type of equipment, brand, model In the filt...
10 replies
Product filters.
Good afternoon! please help with setting up product filters When exporting/importing products, the characteristics in the product card are loaded a...
15 replies
13.07.2022, 22:04
Product in Ukrainian is not filtered
The goods are not filtered at all by values, if you switch to the Ukrainian language.
Filter for products without photos - can I modify it?
We have a list of products that do not have a photo You need to quickly find all products without photos with a filter How can this be done? Now we...
1 answer
10.05.2022, 18:11
How to remove all Filters from a product?
Tell me how to remove all possible Filters and Filter Values in products by import/export? I tried to use the functions "Delete old values of ...
3 answer
OneBox Corp - Інтегратор
Personal license
09.05.2022, 18:45
Search by filters
Here https://erp.openshop.ua/app/product/filters/ search works only by exact match, which is not at all convenient, since filters can be similar, b...
3 answer
Інтегратор OneBox
Personal license
19.04.2022, 08:46
Filter during date interval (selection of dates from and to) . It is necessary to filter the products of the process by these dates
Hello! Is there a ready-made solution or is it necessary to refine it? Required Filter during date range (selection of dates from and to) . It is n...
12 replies
filter by product code
Is it possible to add a filter by product code to the transaction log?
8 replies
30.01.2022, 13:28
OS enhancements: Working with product filters
When manually adding a filter to the product card (Picture 123) or in actions (Picture 124), a problem arises - it is not clear which filter is nee...

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