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Search results for query #dbodyako

2 answer
12.10.2020, 17:43
Does not pull the recipient until the TTN is deleted
Now if a TTN is created in the order, then when you get into the "Create TTN" tab, the recipient does not pull Before the update - pulled...
After creating the TTN, the address in the order gets lost
Order example https://tradework.com.ua/admin/customorder/order/38308/history/ This is the address given You can see it in the order history http://...
6 replies
12.10.2020, 16:10
Logic to repay obligations - explain!
The goods arrived from the supplier. We credited it and the obligations became here https://prnt.sc/uxr9p3 (since the goods were credited, the clie...
3 answer
12.10.2020, 15:07
How to hide the display for an employee
How to hide the display of http://joxi.ru/L215Y1bi0O9RQ2 "Summary financial statistics" for an employee
4 answer
12.10.2020, 15:05
I can't prevent a certain employee from seeing the margin in the process
What settings in the employee's access rights are responsible for ( http://joxi.ru/gmv1GPgt1MWyRr ): 1. Margin display 2. Or the entire block o...
upgrade to mvp
http://onecrm.ukrmoda.in.ua/dashboard/ Please update box to mvp version
How to remove a photo from a product card in bulk
It turns out that with each import, photos are added to existing ones and duplicates appear in the product card. If you unload the goods in XLS, th...
Upload Price platform XLS limit on the number of uploaded photos
I use this upload to link the CPM with my sites, incl. Prom. and when the upload file passes the check, there is always an error on the Photo, in P...
Bug - does not create TTN of Nova Poshta with Return Delivery (overlay)
the Return Shipping Description and Return Shipping Amount fields are missing. and they are not created. On the 10th it worked, on the 11th it stop...
12 replies
12.10.2020, 10:46
Bulk Print Processes
Opened processes http://crm.mebelok.com/admin/list/customorder/logistika/1428514/logistika/ There are 57 processes in total I select them all, tick...

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