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Search results for query #achizhik

2 answer
26.11.2020, 21:06
How to change date formats
Please tell me how to change the date format in the system (I saw the announcement that there is such a function) the date format "year month ...
12 replies
25.11.2020, 14:20
upgrade to MVP version
Good afternoon! I want to upgrade the system to the MVP version. What do I need for this?
2 answer
25.11.2020, 12:01
Server Specifications
Please tell me what technical characteristics of the server are needed to host 250 licenses? The client wants to host a box on his server.
8 replies
24.11.2020, 10:10
Cash desk ATOL 27F
Purchased an online cash register https://www.atol.ru/catalog/atol-27f/ Is it possible to generate fiscal checks for her? And how do we set up inte...
2 answer
23.11.2020, 19:47
Can't login to Box after importing contacts
Today I did the import of contacts. For some reason, my personal data was replaced by one of the import contacts. I created myself as contact-emplo...
3 answer
23.11.2020, 16:49
integration with NovaChat
Does OneBox have NovaChat integration?
26 replies
Baza.cn.ua / Integrator (FOP Kupriyan)
23.11.2020, 12:36
How to clean "Unified Chat"
Here https://baza.cn.ua/cc/ Here is a picture https://prnt.sc/vobfos How to remove these numbers?
10 replies
A beautiful letter does not go away
good afternoon! ceased to leave "beautiful" letters with html. Just tex is leaving. Put a tick where you want. https://prnt.sc/vm6o99
Synchronization of the system with the CheckBox service
Is it possible to synchronize the system with the CheckBox service and set up automatic transfer of sales data to the tax office (formation of tax ...
Ability to generate tax invoices in the OneBox system
How is it possible to implement the formation of tax invoices in the OneBox system. The client wants to completely transfer all work from 1C to box...

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