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7 replies
08.09.2020, 14:58
Print directly to the desired printer so you don't have to choose every time
The customer accepts the goods for inspection. Costs 2 printers - one for printing coupons that are given to the client - the second for printing a...
23 answer
PPO software integration
Good afternoon software development is required The logic of the PRRO The cycle of interaction between the software cash register and the fiscal se...
58 replies
08.09.2020, 06:36
Selling one Onebox license at a discount
Unfortunately, we did not have time to purchase licenses when they were sold by the piece and now we do not need 1 license. I don't understand ...
27 replies
07.09.2020, 13:32
Data format of Ukrposhta addresses when importing from prom.ua
The automatic action to create a ttn of Ukrposhta works only in the format required by the box Index, City, street, house number, apartment number ...
Integration with zakupka
Integration with the zakupka.com marketplace
Prohibition of deletion of Products that are credited to the warehouse
Now you can delete a credited Product and it will not be displayed in the warehouse, it turned out that there is no implementation of such a functi...
1 answer
06.10.2019, 17:32
Improvement on the P&L report (Profit and Loss Statement)
Faced such a problem. The P&L report in the system is not working correctly. The data should display the sums of business processes for the sal...
2015054946 - Improved integration with enter.tochka.com service
Now it is possible to import payments from the enter.tochka service, the following has been improved for this: - application in OneBox “” (when int...
Updating the indicator Quantity in stock (in list items)
In the display of goods in a list, there is an indicator of the quantity in stock, it is updated once a day by daily crown or when the goods are re...
2014788988 - Improvement of the action “Calculate and write the value in an additional field”
In the action “Calculate and write the value in the additional field”, the variable “Amount of payments by category” has been improved, which allow...

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