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Prohibition of deletion of Products that are credited to the warehouse

Now you can delete a credited Product and it will not be displayed in the warehouse, it turned out that there is no implementation of such a functionality in the stem as a prohibition on deleting credited Products.
Support the improvement of the functionality of the action so that the removal of the Product is possible ONLY when it is decommissioned from the warehouse and the Right to this action can be given to the employee.
This is a very important thing if the warehouse is located in 1BOX. Deleting credited goods Accidentally or intentionally will lead to the loss of your data, and you yourself understand what is fraught with.
Original question is available on version: ru


I ask the Developers to take into account such a moment when developing the system, the lack of protection cost me a couple of tasks and an hour Improvements to eliminate the mismatch in the warehouse
26.10.2020, 09:18
Original comment available on version: ru

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