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9 replies
box.generator.ua , it-специалист
29.09.2020, 18:28
Error 500 internal server error
It is impossible to enter Vanbox, does not let a single user. Prior to this, previously created processes displayed a blank screen when opening a p...
Barcode scanner not working properly
The client uploaded a video where he is testing a barcode scanner. When scanning to Notepad - the scanner creates 1 entry, when scanning in OneBox ...
restart session or force logout
CRM freezes and writes that the number of users exceeds the number of purchased licenses. Although everyone is logged out, how can I restart the se...
6 replies
29.09.2020, 11:55
Interested in the possibility of full integration with the Allo marketplace
Hello. Is it possible to fully integrate with allo (as with a socket). I mean automatic loading of orders from allo to crm, transfer of status and ...
Change server ip address
good afternoon. you need to change the ip on our server, to this one or this one because it looks like the old ip is blo...
6 replies
ФОП Легеза В.В.
Personal license
28.09.2020, 10:20
Solution for cafes and restaurants on OneBox
And your request is: There is one coffee shop or even their chain. And you need to keep a record of the products sold. Let's describe what happ...
11 replies
Baza.cn.ua / Integrator (FOP Kupriyan)
26.09.2020, 15:37
Bonus for correct answer
Earlier we wrote that bonuses will be awarded for the correct answer, where to look and how it works and how many bonuses and how to spend them?
5 replies
Oneboxconsulting (интегратор)
25.09.2020, 11:41
how to view the balance of your company through the site
I have hours of revisions. as it turned out, the hours were not accrued to me as a user, but to the company to which I am attached https://prnt.sc/...
3 answer
Baza.cn.ua / Integrator (FOP Kupriyan)
24.09.2020, 14:32
When connecting a free plan, how long is the life of this box and you can learn more about the restrictions
If you connect this tariff https://prnt.sc/un1gua Is it possible to use this box forever with one license?

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