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Search results for query #dbodyako

3 answer
16.07.2020, 09:43
Add the ability to admin comment actions
Add the ability to write a comment to an action on the screen for adding actions to a stage. For example, in the stage of 30 actions, the administr...
Ability to switch by role
Please improve the ability to change the value of a process field depending on another process field, the ability to switch the responsible person ...
4 answer
03.06.2020, 10:37
Messages from Rozetka.ua (Acceptance and Sending)
Hello! Please make a full exchange of messages with Rozetka.ua. Now messages only come to OneBox, but sending messages to Rozetka is not possible. ...
Password manager
Please make a password manager. So that when assigning a role to an employee, the passwords of employees of this role would automatically become av...

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