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Search results for query #com

5 replies
20.10.2020, 12:17
The ability to enter in the branch field in the Nova Poshta block has disappeared
The ability to enter in the branch field in the Nova Poshta block has disappeared. http://joxi.ru/E2p3K83UGXXVbm Also something weird with the fiel...
upgrade to mvp
Please upgrade to MVP
6 replies
Is it possible to remove an event from my events section?
Good afternoon! Can you please tell me if it is possible to delete an event from the My Events section?
15 replies
19.10.2020, 18:55
Adding a letter to a remote process
Good afternoon! If a process number is specified when writing a letter, box pulls the letter to the specified process, and this is great. But if th...
we cannot add/change the address (field Address (user.user_address)) in the contact card
gives an error message. When we try to add the Address to the empty field, then when typing letters after the first character set, it stops typing ...
7 replies
ФОП Легеза В.В.
Personal license
19.10.2020, 14:10
HELP! ssl certificate not working
Looks like today is over ssl certificate validity for https://icolor.in.ua/admin/ This is what it looks like when you log into the site: http://prn...
3 answer
19.10.2020, 12:42
Product as a gift
Is it possible to add a gift with zero cost to the order? That is, another product for 0 rubles
Transferring balances to Prom
It is necessary to finalize the transfer of the amount of residues to Prom. At the same time, only goods whose quantity is more than the minimum re...
1 answer
19.10.2020, 11:37
Mail folder filtering
The system has a mailer folder setting in the email integration https://prnt.sc/v25l09 How can I filter messages in the events tab by folders? And ...
6 replies
Access rights
when you enter the section, the subsection settings do not open, for example, in the BP you cannot configure access by status, employee, etc.

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