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Search results for query #интерфейс

5 replies
24.09.2022, 20:21
Missing "Products by table" block at certain stages
I just discovered that at certain stages the "Interface Products" block was missing. No changes were made to the interface. When changing...
2 answer
30.08.2022, 20:22
The "login with login and password" button has disappeared
Go to https://rivcont.info/desktop/ The "login to OneBox using login and password" button has disappeared. The "create and close&qu...
3 answer
15.08.2022, 13:57
product card interface editor stopped working
product card interface editor stopped working 1 add new blocks and fields to the card interface 2 transition to the card - no new fields and block...
9 replies
09.08.2022, 09:41
Dimensional grid of lists
There is a small request/suggestion to improve the interface. Because Because lists still become scrollable horizontally, you can make them easier ...
1 answer
Insiders - OneBox
Personal license
26.07.2022, 14:20
Mandatory filling does not see that the field is filled
https://box.ltec.com.ua/13990/ an example of the process In the interface settings, the "defect file" field must be filled in As we can ...
2 answer
25.07.2022, 17:40
Add app buttons
Please consider adding the function "disable the display of buttons for adding a new application", or even better, remove them in princip...
6 replies
25.07.2022, 17:25
Please help with solving the problem. Unable to reset interface to default. The standard interface has 2 tabs. I'm trying to remove all interfa...
6 replies
How to add a quick order status change without entering it in the table view?
When I display Orders in a table, to change the stage of the order, you need to click on it and start typing the name of the stage from the keyboar...
7 replies
05.07.2022, 19:22
Process Description - Image Display
As far as I remember, the display of images was slightly different in the description of the process. What glitch is this? Can it be made more read...
1 answer
30.06.2022, 23:05
Not intuitive app store interface
When you enter the store, you get the feeling that this is the whole list of add-ons and just filtering on the left. If you are not aware that this...

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