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7 replies
18.08.2021, 11:14
Block for adding New mail parameters
Good afternoon, please estimate the cost of completion. It is necessary to create a block for adding New Mail parameters (dimensions, weight, numbe...
3 answer
16.08.2021, 14:35
Product filtering, adding an OS order
Interested in a few points regarding adding an item to the cart (when placing a new order) 1. How to make it so that the product would first be iss...
4 answer
16.08.2021, 11:26
Orders page
Good afternoon, today on the order page in the block for adding a product the "show more" button stopped working, so there is no way to a...
Do not trigger actions once per minute
Automation includes actions to update processes from Wordpress. But the last hour the processes are not updated. For example, process 258451 shoul...
3 answer
11.08.2021, 16:45
OS Order Page
Good afternoon. We updated onebox and noticed that there is no "New order" page as such, when you click on "Create order" - a w...
6 replies
OneBox Corp - Інтегратор
Personal license
11.08.2021, 12:36
Finalization of obtaining customer data from cs-cart
You need to make a setting in the "Import processes from CS-Cart" action - Always take process client data (name, phone, email) from the ...
3 answer
Is it possible to narrow the list of orders
Is it possible to narrow the list of orders by the desired criterion Whatever fields that are not particularly important, were either line breaks ...
Problems setting up access
The manager in the Payments and cash desk application does not show the balance of the wallet, although all possible accesses are open. A similar p...
2 answer
All integrations stopped working
Tell me how to solve the issue All integrations stopped working for me Payments, statements from Privat24 and Mono are not pulled up and orders fro...
2 answer
21.07.2021, 10:14
Going from the client card to the client's orders - shows all orders and not just the client
earlier, from the client card, clicking on client orders, all client orders, or leads or payments, were opened, depending on what you click Now, wh...

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