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Search results for query #dbodyako

Change stages action not working by justin
I set up integration with justin, I want to set up the change of stages depending on the package I want to use action "Move the business proce...
1 answer
05.10.2020, 11:19
Copy from process contact tab to process client
The system has a Process Contacts tab https://prnt.sc/utbao4 Is it possible to make an action or setting into action https://prnt.sc/utbbzr so that...
6 replies
05.10.2020, 10:41
Zadarma call history
We have integration with Zadarma. And on the CRM side, the event "Create events based on zadarma telephony calls" is enabled. But all eve...
warehouse sales report
The goal is to get a list of sold (exactly sold) and credited from the warehouse for the period (day), but I ran into such a problem, returns are a...
It is necessary to display the goods as they are in real warehouses
It is necessary to bring goods in real warehouses, in boxes and not in suppliers. And the goods are shipped from the price list with automatic deli...
When adding new products to the order through the block "Product import block", it is necessary to check the checkboxes for synchronization
When adding new products to the order through the "Products Import Block" block, it is necessary to check the boxes "Synchronize pri...
10 replies
04.10.2020, 12:57
Import of goods from Prom
Good day, goods from Prom are not imported to Boxing http://joxi.ru/DmB86M4c4woWwA metrader.com.ua
4 answer
Baza.cn.ua / Integrator (FOP Kupriyan)
04.10.2020, 00:10
In MP, when creating a process, it gives an error if you attach a screen
I can't attach the screenshot here because I'm writing the task from my mobile You can check if it doesn't work, I'll attach a scre...
crowns stopped working
Crones stopped working: https://prnt.sc/us2ns0 crm.sportmarket.ua From observations, the inclusion of this automatic action is probably to blame: h...
3 answer
02.10.2020, 18:00
Turn into a process
https://prntscr.com/ur134h You need to fix the automatic action so that it pulls the letter into the comment as a "letter" and not as a &...

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