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Search results for query #оценка доработки

4 answer
ФОП Легеза В.В.
Personal license
20.03.2022, 17:01
OS - finalize the action of sending messages from the process
Ihor Ustimenko is asking him to make a correction there is simply nothing to pay for work, unfortunately it is necessary that the variables from th...
1 answer
20.03.2022, 16:31
Transfer of products to the well
Set up the transfer of products to good https://crm.dobavki.ua/app/automatization/hour/edit/ Product examples https://dobavki.ua/dr.-mercola-iodine...
3 answer
Personal license
23.02.2022, 17:20
Evaluate the completion of the block in the contact interface
It is necessary to complete the block in the contact interface "Subsidiaries" - , so that it is possible to display fields from the card ...
7 replies
CEO, owwa.com.ua
21.02.2022, 17:03
Completion of the "Report on profit", add the field % Margin
Good afternoon, How much will it cost to add the "% Margin" column to the "Profit Statement". Formula: % Margin = ("Sale A...
2 answer
ФОП Легеза В.В.
Personal license
21.02.2022, 15:21
OS - Refine hourly automatic action: Import leftover products from Nova Poshta Logistics
Please give an assessment of the improvement, you need: - Add a choice of warehouse to which we will unload the remaining goods from NP Logistic. -...
You need to check the box to change the filter for all products de stink
Massive content management photo1 on insert photo2 You need to check the box to change the filter for all products de stink when re-collapsing th...
4 answer
18.02.2022, 14:16
Estimate rework for action Calculate and write value to additional field if conditions are met add new variable Discounted price
Please evaluate for the action Calculate and write the value in an additional field, if the conditions are met add a new variable Discounted price ...
1 answer
18.02.2022, 09:57
Refinement of the turnover report by suppliers
Need to report turnover by supplier https://crm.mebelok.com/admin/shop/report/suppliersturnover/?datefrom=2022-02-16...
1 answer
17.02.2022, 13:23
Evaluate, be kind, dear
Skіlki bude koshtuvati dorobka, schob to transfer Analogues of goods from boxing to Recommended in Opencart ?
1 answer
If there is a brand, search by SKU and brand at the same time instead of searching purely by SKU
Good day! We bought a donation https://toster.1b.app/ and paid a special price. Mi posterіgaєmo that it won’t work with a proper rank, so that you ...

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