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Search results for query #achizhik

1 answer
06.06.2019, 15:11
When importing orders from Rozetka.ua, add credit payment terms
When taking orders from Rozetka.ua, add credit payment terms: Bank card, Instant installment plan and payment in installments. Now orders with thes...
Placement in the knowledge base audio file
Please make it possible to place an audio file in the knowledge base. It is very convenient when an employee can listen to the call recording and u...
Downloading an extract from Sberbank online
I propose to make an integration module with Sberbank for loading online payments on accounts, this will allow you to automatically load statements...
Fix the filter value when changing the value in the directory
The filter properties are taken from the reference book. In the product, let's select the first value from the filter. Everything is working. W...
Structure of finance categories
1.in action Generate expected payment based on additional process fields categories are displayed without structure and it is not clear where the p...
1 answer
01.05.2019, 12:14
Improve action Export products in YML format
Refine the action Export products in YML format https://baza.cn.ua The ID of the box item must be sent to the prom in the article field, in the pro...
1 answer
30.04.2019, 16:13
In the MP (mobile application) in the Product Card, add a field
In the MP (mobile application) in the Product Card, add the field "Supplier Code" http://joxi.ru/Vm6oQPbc4z6KP2
1 answer
05.04.2019, 17:47
Working with business processes
1. Make sorting of groups and business processes NOT by name, but at the request of the user. 2. Add the ability to collapse business process group...
1 answer
ФОП Легеза В.В.
Personal license
13.03.2019, 09:23
New mail - printing of TTN registers and markings by branches
- Select N orders with checkmarks, - Click the button to generate registries, we display it in mass actions on processes - boxing scatters all TTN ...
Refine the action
Make it possible to set the update not once a day, but for example every 4 / 6 / 12 hours, to choose from.

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