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Search results for query #achizhik

1 answer
Error description not displayed
Here https://box.collarexpress.com.ua/client/myorders/lead/ I add and get an incomprehensible error https://prnt.sc/qrur2g It gives an error becaus...
1 answer
21.01.2020, 11:10
It is necessary to make it not escape or save without these characters, or somewhere to display a notification that such a character is prohibited (for example, when saving)
https://box.collarexpress.com.ua/admin/ Now, if in the directory if the field contains a value with the symbol "" , when searching, Ajax ...
In the knowledge base, make the division possible to edit records
Now in the knowledge base of an employee, when editing is enabled, he can edit all records, please make the separation of rights by roles, which ro...
Function Adjustment
At the moment we cannot customize the function. I suggest: to correct the parameter of the function "At the start of the time at the start, ch...
Send a weekly bonus report
There is an action which once a week sends statistics on completed tasks, make it possible to send a report on accrued bonuses. It really motivates...
1 answer
Add to finance section
I would like to see in the finance section not only actual and expected payments, but also VAT data (whether you need to pay VAT this month or not)...
1 answer
Refinement of KPI
It is necessary to refine the calculation of KPI, namely, upload KPI data (for each employee) and send it by e-mail (make a KPI report for the week...
2 answer
Ability to make delivery methods hidden
All prescribed delivery methods are available to users for selection, this is not convenient. It is necessary to be able to hide delivery methods, ...
Knowledge management training
Functionality of training in boxing. At the moment, boxing has a handy knowledge base tool. Where in each article you can specify which role employ...
Displaying the company structure
The biggest inconvenience is related to how the structure is displayed when there is a lot of nesting in the company. Several departments, departme...

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