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Displaying the company structure

The biggest inconvenience is related to how the structure is displayed when there is a lot of nesting in the company. Several departments, departments, sectors, groups. The scheme is stretched across the horizon. Here is an example, I have a department, it has 6 sectors and they stretch horizontally, it would be great if they went from top to bottom, sector, groups, then again sector, groups and so on.
The second point is sorting the order of the sectors, groups in the org board. Those. each section has its own individual sorting (display sequence)
So it will be possible to display the vertical hierarchy in the company, and it is easier for employees to navigate.
Third. Make a display on the diagram at the bottom left of unassigned employees by department, when the company becomes large it is difficult to look for someone not taken into account in the org board
Original question is available on version: ru


accepted - will be in the next releases (we cannot specify the exact date unfortunately
20.01.2021, 11:37
«Один юрист із портфелем у руках награбує більше, ніж банда автоматників» Original comment available on version: ru

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