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Search results for query #api

1 answer
yesterday, 21:15
Error 500 when switching to a stage
When switching to a stage, it gives an error of 500, it is not clear what is wrong. When switching to a stage, the procedure that sends a request ...
5 replies
19.03.2024, 11:59
Kyivstar telephony window does not appear
Good day! The Kyivstar call form does not appear (any numbers). Tokens were changed, but it did not help. The application was submitted to Kyivstar...
1 answer
13.03.2024, 13:57
Problem searching for orders using API by auxiliary field
I make requests for a sample of orders through the API. I'm having trouble searching with an additional field. Here is an example of my query: http...
12 replies
12.01.2024, 12:09
Rest API
Is it possible to create a Rest API, to receive, create coupons in OneBox OS?
1 answer
TTN is not created when automatically switching to a stage
When moving to the stage where the TTN should be created, an error occurs on some (not all) orders (see the appendix): RecipientWarehouse is denied...
3 answer
The invoice is not generated today
Good afternoon Today the Omniva invoice stopped being generated - it gives an error. We wrote to Omniva TP - we are waiting for an answer. How t...
1 answer
Інтегратор OneBox
Personal license
20.11.2023, 10:48
API question. Receive a response when adding a contact
Good afternoon Please tell me about the API issue Box https://univer.1b.app/desktop/ API request: host: univer.1b.app url: /api/v2/order/set/ conte...
2 answer
Інтегратор OneBox
Personal license
14.11.2023, 15:28
Improvements are needed in the action Send process to api
Action "Send process to api" https://univer.1b.app/admin/shop/workflowstatus/910/action/new/. When we parse the API response, if the Key of the tra...
5 replies
Інтегратор OneBox
Personal license
08.11.2023, 12:21
Action "Send process to API" - pass value 0
Good afternoon In the action "Send process to API" https://univer.1b.app/admin/shop/workflowstatus/1163/action/new/ when the parameter "state" = 0,...
1 answer
25.10.2023, 18:39
No tilde requests are created
https://urbantree.1b.app/app/tilda/ here are the errors https://i.imgur.com/IVzXWrH.png on the side of the tilde, he seemed to have indicated every...

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