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Search results for query #процесс

0 replies
04.11.2023, 18:23
Process margin taking into account shipped products
Now the Margin (margin) in the processes is calculated taking into account the Count (count) field, there is a variable [margin] for this margin. A...
2 answer
14.09.2023, 11:09
Tabs in processes stopped working
Hello. I added tabs on the processes page a long time ago, everything worked until today, now they don’t respond to clicks. https://prnt.sc/RCwyIF2...
3 answer
CEO, owwa.com.ua
13.07.2023, 08:13
Today, product tables in processes stopped being displayed
Good afternoon, please urgently help to solve the bug with the display of the product table in the orders, we cannot work. This morning most order...
2 answer
29.06.2023, 15:31
Merging processes. Changes
The functionality of combining processes began to work differently. Now, when selecting several processes, it offers to choose which process to com...
3 answer
10.05.2023, 16:34
Operation of the PROCESS STRUCTURE block
Please make sure that the block does not disappear completely when the flag is in the OFF state, and in the absence of open processes. Now the s...
3 answer
12.04.2023, 10:57
Bug in OS. when adding an additional process - the additional process is not assigned to the parent
Hello. In OS, when adding an additional process, the additional process is not assigned to the parent. In MVP, when you are in a process and add an...
6 replies
07.04.2023, 11:05
Processes do not open from the notification window
The download freezes and nothing happens.
Bugs in the system
It is not possible to add processes in any OneBox application. After clicking on "+", a blank screen appears. This has been going on for several da...
7 replies
20.02.2023, 13:34
Allow droppers to create orders via API
Here https://univer.1b.app/app/workflowtype-issue/workflow/parameters/1/ In the parameters of any business process, you need to add a checkbox and ...
13 replies
09.11.2022, 22:35
The problem is a long status switching / process copying
Good afternoon. Please help to find the cause of Box's slowdown, there is a long triggering of status switching, a long creation of a copy of t...

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