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Search results for query #gubko1@gmail

2 answer
Bug when generating a price list for Rozetka
Please fix the bug. Link to xml file for Rosette https://mobileo-lviv.crm-onebox.com/media/export/9.xml When added to a Rozetka product, the catego...
2 answer
02.11.2020, 15:36
Recommend platforms for creating an online store
The client asks for advice on the optimal platform for creating an online store that would work as well as possible with One Box. There are several...
What is a "Handler class"?
There is such a field as "Class handler" in the settings. What is it and how to use it? One handler class I know only - New mail. The res...
Cash on delivery and Automatically create TTN Nova Poshta
Good afternoon, tell me how you can set up Cash on Delivery when automatically creating a TTN of Nova Poshta? The subtleties of the settings are no...
Files for OpenCart Integration
Kind. How can I get the files for box integration with opencart site version 3+ ?
how to remove notifications on Email about Price Recalculation.
they come for every category of goods, and as a result there are a lot of them. Is it possible to set up these notifications so that one comes, or ...
9 replies
Automatically pull up the purchase price
How to automate the following: When manually typing an order to a supplier, in the tabular part of the order, in the column "Sale price",...
How does it work: Product sales report for the selected period?
In the report for the period, it says that 29 pieces of goods were sold, and if you look at the movement of goods for the same period on the Wareho...
2 answer
23.10.2020, 11:42
SMS to the client about the availability of goods
Is it possible to set up such a scenario without modifications (if the products are not available in the main warehouse): 1) in the client's of...
3 answer
Setting up payment conversion
Now, when importing from a monobank, if the payment is in a currency, then it comes in the format (for example): 3 euros and already in the system ...

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