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Search results for query #финансы

4 answer
05.09.2023, 13:30
Good afternoon Tell me, please, how to make sure that at the stage "Customer Refusal" the order amount is not taken into account in the total amou...
2 answer
Automatic export of finances from OneBox
Is it possible to set up automatic regular financial export from OneBox? For example, in a Google spreadsheet
1 answer
08.07.2022, 15:29
Account Statement
Good afternoon! Can you please tell me how to set up so that in the automatic action "Privat24 Statement of accounts for individuals" exp...
5 replies
There was a glitch with payments
Our payments come to one account (from several Privat24 integrations) and we mark them in the one we need, and then there was a Bug and all payment...
6 replies
13.06.2022, 12:45
The extract from private individuals is going crazy
Good afternoon, a private statement (action once a minute) delays payments in the future from two different cards of different people Please help.
1 answer
General finance page
The MVP version has a general finance page that can be configured separately by roles . Is there such a page/app in OneBox OS? Namely, the "C...
2 answer
05.04.2022, 18:46
Please fix the balance for the user https://1b.app/user/21/
Please fix the balance for the user https://1b.app/user/21/ Lila Losyk wrote about it, but the problem remained when replenishing the balance, it ...
2 answer
03.02.2022, 15:27
Legal limits. persons - record transactions between accounts.
Legal limits. persons - a useful counter for tracking the amount of incoming, not deleted, not virtual payments for a period of time, allows you to...
Problems after upgrading to MVP
After the update, there were problems in finance and payments. 1. Incomplete information from the bank is drawn into the bank. Within 3 days there ...
8 replies
18.12.2021, 16:02
The employee sees payments that are closed to him
The following situation in the access rights settings for an employee is not allowed to see certain categories of payments, but if he enters the ge...

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