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Search results for query #вёрстка

17 replies
20.03.2024, 16:57
Problems with the interface of processes and comment feeds
1. The Prom.ua and Rozetka.ua tabs are displayed in the comments feed, despite the fact that the display of these tabs is hidden. 2. After sav...
2 answer
24.12.2023, 16:15
General chat window size
Good afternoon, please make some minimum height for the chat block so that on small screens you can see more than one message, such as in the chat ...
8 replies
16.11.2023, 13:57
Search by actions at the stage does not work + layout has gone wrong
The search field was on the same line with the process step selection. The search does not work either when you type or when you click the Search...
2 answer
23.08.2023, 11:17
Problem with column layout on the reserve page
Shifted table headers
2 answer
26.06.2023, 12:04
The columns have become wider, and a scroll appeared on the dashboard
In the "Table of total amounts of payments and number of processes in the specified statuses" block, 4 columns are configured. Until today, the wid...
1 answer
14.04.2023, 13:50
Context menu goes off screen
Please fix the layout: 1. In the process table, when calling the CM on the lower processes, a pop-up window opens outside the screen 2. In "S...
4 answer
30.03.2023, 12:26
Correct the layout in mob. versions
Problem with the block Last orders and totals in the process table. Also, on the desktop, tabs in a process override the process creation drop-d...
2 answer
02.02.2023, 19:08
The order number in the product table does not wrap to a new line
In the BP, the Customer Order in the Supplier Setting column is not moved to a new line with the order number, which stretches the column width. In...
11 replies
08.01.2023, 14:30
The problem with the layout when fixing the table header and setting checkboxes
If you fix the table header and select processes in the list, then the height of the block with information about the number of selected elements a...
4 answer
07.01.2023, 15:59
Twisting block Parameters TTN Nova Poshta
In MVP, the TTH Parameters block was in 2 columns, if the width allowed. Can you do the same?

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