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Search results for query #gubko1@gmail

2 answer
19.10.2020, 13:53
automatic fuel write-off
The client has a gas station and has a filling station, at the end of the day the client uploads payment data in xls format (there are fields: disc...
3 answer
19.10.2020, 12:42
Product as a gift
Is it possible to add a gift with zero cost to the order? That is, another product for 0 rubles
1 answer
19.10.2020, 11:37
Mail folder filtering
The system has a mailer folder setting in the email integration https://prnt.sc/v25l09 How can I filter messages in the events tab by folders? And ...
6 replies
Access rights
when you enter the section, the subsection settings do not open, for example, in the BP you cannot configure access by status, employee, etc.
1 answer
14.10.2020, 17:44
Mail and SMS
- Is it possible to send test emails to yourself to check the variables in the email? - How to find out variables for SMS?
3 answer
Remove parent from subprocess
Good afternoon! Please tell me how to create a task or process with a BP and at the same time that the process / task is separate, does not pull th...
2 answer
Mail integration
Interested in the question regarding security, yet not everyone agrees to disable two-step authentication and allow access for insecure application...
3 answer
12.10.2020, 11:10
Purchase price
How to make it so that when creating an order to the supplier manually through the "add order" function, when filling out the tabular par...
2 answer
07.10.2020, 16:32
Sales automation and customer management in a furniture manufacturing company
The client owns a furniture manufacturing company. The main task is to automate the management of projects from the receipt of an application up to...
2 answer
07.10.2020, 12:53
Solution for workshop network
Ust client, field of activity - a network of service stations and installation of gas equipment. Now there is a CPM, but they are not satisfied, th...

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