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3 answer
Bug in sum calculation
It does not correctly calculate the amount for the selected period. 1. Select a date range 2. Choose a Category 3. I filter .... The result does no...
Order to the supplier does not work correctly
The business process The order to the supplier is listed as Outgoing, but the total amount and obligations are not calculated correctly. When placi...
7 replies
30.10.2020, 16:07
Variables in SMS template
Is there any variable that is responsible for substituting a specific phone number in the SMS, depending on the operator of the client number? For ...
update 2020
good afternoon. when can we expect an update to the new release?
5 replies
30.10.2020, 13:11
Setting up wiretapping of calls with restricted rights
Good afternoon! Tell me, is it possible with integrated telephony to block some employees from listening to calls from a specific list of internal ...
2 answer
29.10.2020, 13:37
Went layout in the bokeh of adding products 2
on the order adding page http://joxi.ru/4AkL5xLUklw96r block for adding goods - http://joxi.ru/YmEgJ7gsMqORjA
Cash on delivery and Automatically create TTN Nova Poshta
Good afternoon, tell me how you can set up Cash on Delivery when automatically creating a TTN of Nova Poshta? The subtleties of the settings are no...
Files for OpenCart Integration
Kind. How can I get the files for box integration with opencart site version 3+ ?
15 replies
28.10.2020, 09:32
Events API
Good afternoon! Tell me if there is an opportunity in Boxing to create an email event. That is, the email is sent from another system, and in Boxin...
3 answer
26.10.2020, 18:58
What is the version of Boxing?
Tell me how to understand what version of Boxing is now and are there any updates?

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