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Setting up wiretapping of calls with restricted rights

Good afternoon!
Tell me, is it possible with integrated telephony to block some employees from listening to calls from a specific list of internal numbers?
That is, there is Manager 1 - internal number 555, Manager 2 - internal 444, director - tel 111.
It is necessary to enable Manager 1 to listen to calls from 555 and 444, also to Manager 2, but both should be prohibited from listening to calls from 111
Setting through event access rights, closing by last name is not an option, there are too many employees and they change often - it's not convenient to change the rights for everyone every time.
Original question is available on version: ru


Good afternoon. Make yourself the role of "Listen to XXX numbers", set the access rights to the necessary events for this role and set this role to the necessary users. All rights of the role will automatically be applied to users of this role.
30.10.2020, 13:21
Original comment available on version: ru

Dmitry, since the event settings are tied to specific names, I still have a problem with constantly changing the list of employees that everyone can listen to. That is, there are Managers Petrenko, Ivanenko, Morozov, they can listen to each other. I create a role, open them, and block the director. Tomorrow Morozov is fired and Petrov appears, and the role needs to be edited again. If events could also be opened / blocked by role, that is, for the manager role, events of employees with the role of manager, senior manager are open, and events of the Director role are closed. It would be more convenient.
But thanks anyway for the option.
30.10.2020, 13:37
Original comment available on version: ru

Irina wrote:
That is, there are Managers Petrenko, Ivanenko, Morozov, they can listen to each other. I create a role, open them, and block the director. Tomorrow Morozov was fired and Petrov appeared,

and why combine 3 employees in one role? Do 3 roles "Listen to Morozov" "Listen to Ivanenko" and so on. Everyone who can listen to Morozov was given an appropriate role.
Morozov resigned? - deleted/renamed the role to a new employee.
New employee arrived? - in 20 seconds they added 3 roles "listen to XXX"
30.10.2020, 13:41
Original comment available on version: ru

Bodyako Dmitry
Employee wrote:
and why combine 3 employees in one role? Do 3 roles "Listen to Morozov" "Listen to Ivanenko" and so on. Everyone who can listen to Morozov was given an appropriate role.
Morozov resigned? - deleted/renamed the role to a new employee.
New employee arrived? - in 20 seconds they added 3 roles "listen to XXX"

))) just employees who can listen to more than 15 roles, each with 4-5 employees)
Which can not be so many, but also about 15 people) the list of roles in the card will go off scale)
30.10.2020, 15:21
Original comment available on version: ru

I don't see any other solution other than the one provided without modifications. If you are interested in making a revision right in the permissions - let me know, I can evaluate it
30.10.2020, 15:45
Original comment available on version: ru

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